a moth image

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

When you live and work in Canberra, you leave a smaller carbon footprint.

Canberra is a progressive city, and sustainability matters to us. We’re the first city in mainland Australia to have achieved a 100% renewable energy supply. We’ve attracted more than $2 billion in investment into sustainable energy.

Some Canberra-based achievements in this area include:

  • the largest behind the meter battery storage rollout in Australia
  • the development of the 2 Degrees renewable energy and clean tech innovation hub
  • next generation renewable hydrogen and storage technologies with Hyundai and Siemens

Around 2000MW of Australian renewable energy is managed from Canberra. We have:

  • a new $8 million centre for energy storage and batteries at ANU
  • the highest number of electric vehicle charge stations per capita

Canberra is the place to be if you’re seeking a more sustainable way to live and work.

Published date: 30 Jul 2020
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