a moth image

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

Canberra Cyber Hub

The Canberra Cyber Hub connects Canberra’s cyber capabilities across all sectors, so they can work together to make Australia safer.

About Canberra Cyber Hub

The Canberra Cyber Hub works with industry and stakeholders to promote and nurture the talent, capability, technologies and companies that exist in this region. They do this by:

  • Accelerating SMEs to grow connections and attract investment
  • Growing Canberra’s cyber security workforce and education pathways
  • Promoting the ACT’s research capabilities
  • Amplifying Canberra cyber businesses capabilities

Concentration of cyber security stakeholders

Canberra has the highest density of prime contractors, small to medium enterprises in cyber, and Australian Government agencies. Collectively, the Australian Government is Australia’s second biggest cyber security buyer.

Established education and research capabilities

These highly-ranked universities and institutions based in Canberra have unmatched research capabilities:

  • Australian National University (ANU)
  • University of Canberra (UC)
  • University of New South Wales Canberra (UNSW Canberra)
  • Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT)

‘We are a deep tech company. Everything we do has never been done anywhere in the world before. Here is where we find the most highly skilled workforce.

Vikram Sharma, CEO QuintessenceLabs

Skilled security-cleared workforce

We have the highest levels of security clearances among the most educated cyber workforce in the country. Other cities access our talented workers, who are cleared to access classified information and resources.

A networked business community

Because of our small city footprint, business, government, education and researchers have strong relationships. It’s a connected network of experts who work together to solve big problems.

The key difference to other capitals is we have a central location people can get to easily. It’s that simple. Our CBD is accessible, so we keep that monthly networking appointment.

Mathew Wilson, co-founder Penten

Geographical proximity

Cyber stakeholders, researchers, businesses and government departments are located close to each other in Canberra. This cyber ecosystem gives Canberrans a special advantage to network and collaborate.

Strong innovation ecosystem

The Canberra Innovation Network (CBRIN) connects businesses, universities and research institutions. They do this to drive innovation, growth and jobs in the industries of the future including cyber. Each year, CBRIN has more than 10,000 visitors and hosts more than 250 events for business innovators. CBRIN is delivering the first Cyber Security Business Accelerator program.

Published date: 13 Nov 2023
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