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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

Canberra is a leading Asia Pacific centre for renewable energy and niche cleantech solutions.

We’re Asia Pacific’s most progressive territory in moving towards a low-carbon economy. The ACT is powered by 100% renewable electricity, generated by wind and photovoltaic power.

Residents, students, businesses and visitors enjoy a fully renewable-powered city. When you do business in Canberra, you’re contributing to a future that’s genuinely sustainable.

Aiming for zero net emissions by 2045

We’re on track to achieve zero net emissions by 2045. This ambitious target opens many opportunities in the cleantech and renewable energy industries.

Leading the world in trials and innovations

There’s strong collaboration in Canberra across tertiary education and research, industry and the government. That collaboration is driving innovation, research and development, employment and sustainable economic growth.

We’ve started one of the world’s largest rollouts of home battery storage for rooftop solar. As a result, the ACT had the world’s largest virtual power plant in 2019.

Examples of active programs include:

  • home rooftop solar and battery storage
  • smart energy grids
  • virtual power plants
  • electric vehicle incentives and trials
  • hydrogen technologies across transport and domestic gas networks
  • reverse auctions for new renewable electricity supply

Guiding the knowledge economy in renewable energy and cleantech industries

Canberra is building on its history as a leader in renewable energy research and development. Our tertiary education institutions are leading this knowledge and expertise.

There are two education institutions in the ACT paving the way for research, education, future skills development and technology rollouts. These include:

This work is critical. It will help businesses, cities and nations to transition to a renewable future.

Creating renewables and cleantech research and development opportunities

The ACT is home to the Distributed Energy Resources Lab. This facility enables research, development and testing. Developers of smart controllers, software and industrial cyber security solutions test and refine applications under real-world conditions. They then roll out market solutions.

Demonstrating green hydrogen adoption

We’re the first state government to invest in and trial a green hydrogen vehicle fleet. This includes Australia’s first public access hydrogen vehicle refuelling station.

The ACT also has a hydrogen test facility. This lets us develop the infrastructure, safety and training for the production, storage and use of green hydrogen in the ACT.

The ACT Government’s Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate administers the policy and program delivery for renewable energy and cleantech.

Innovation, Industry and Investment handles investment, export and innovation in the cleantech and renewables sector.

Contact us to find out about the exciting opportunities and results organisations are achieving in the ACT. We’ll provide more information, introductions and leads.

Published date: 27 Jul 2020
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