a moth image

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

Shape a life in Canberra

This city is full of long-term residents who were ‘just moving here for a year or two’. They fell in love with the Canberran lifestyle, and found they couldn’t go back.


Go after what matters

More time to chase the things that light you up. Deepen your grip on the world. Follow your curiosity. Make your mark and build a life you love.

Room to come to life

Drop the endless rushing. Build a strong career with plenty of time left over for all the things you’ve been deferring.

There's a place for you here

Connect into our welcoming community. We band together. We listen. We include and nurture and cheer you on. And we’ve always got your back.

CBR Stories

I find the accessibility to everything is incredible. We never have to turn down work because it’s too far away.

Caitlin owner of Empowered Electrical Solutions and comedian

Read Caitlin's story


Career-wise, Canberra connects you. There have always been public sector jobs here, but you’ll find Canberra’s private employment scene exploding with fresh opportunities in business and hospitality, education, medicine, science, trades and more.

Finding a job

Here, there are fewer degrees of separation between you and the people making strides on the world stage. Tap into their knowledge and guidance.

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Why work in Canberra

Canberra’s top-notch work opportunities are just the start of the story. You’ll find more time here to shape a fulfilling life beyond work.

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Skilled Migration Program

Many of our migrants make Canberra their permanent home. With a valid visa, we’ll welcome you here, give you career opportunities and offer a beautiful, relaxed and safe lifestyle.

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Enjoy one of the country’s most enviable lifestyles when you call Canberra home.

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CBR Stories

Ten minutes after work you're somewhere amazing. You can go riding before it gets dark

Russ cafe owner and mad BMXer

Read Russ's story


Perhaps you’ve visited ‘the capital’ before. Maybe it was a school trip, or for work a while ago. It's a bigger step to apply for a job and think of moving here. Spend a weekend in Canberra and experience the city for what it is today.

Design your weekend

Start by exploring Ngunnawal cultural sites, stop in at a museum or gallery, then take a track through our iconic natural setting.


Explore what's on offer

Canberra's events offer something for all interests, including art, food and wine, performances, music, markets and sport.


Guides to Help you plan

Find out what there is to see and do with Canberra's neighbourhood, seasonal and experience guides.



In Canberra, things are just easier. Once you've designed a career and a life that feels meaningful and frees your calendar for more of the fun stuff - you’ll never go back.

Employee Benefits

As a worker in Australia, you’re entitled to employment benefits and fair, safe working conditions.

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Locals call Canberra Australia’s ‘best kept secret’. There’s less rush, more chance to thrive beyond the 9 to 5. We look out for each other and those across our region.

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CBR Stories

The incredible, open-minded and welcoming community I've found in Canberra is really special

April corporate communications manager and fat positivity advocate

Read April's story

Careers in Canberra

There are mentors in any city, but here they’re more accessible. Bump into a Rhodes scholar at a backyard BBQ. Grab a coffee with a leading academic or entrepreneur. Let our business community connect you with people who can elevate your success.

ACT Government

See your work impact your family, neighbours and friends. Be a park ranger, teacher, bus driver or environmental scientist. Throw yourself into horticulture, event management, social work and more.


Construction and Trade

Tradies are never short of work here. Canberra is in a state of urban and civic growth and renewal. Building projects are flourishing across the city, suburbs and in nearby towns.



You love caring for other people. Canberra loves caring for you. Be part of a healthcare service in a city that values wellbeing, pioneers medical research and respects healthcare workers.



Every week there's something new on the scene here. Canberra’s hospo community is smart, inventive and supportive. We’re willing to teach if you’re willing to learn.


ICT and Cyber Security

There’s a reason Canberra is chosen as a test-bed for emerging tech. Innovation flourishes in a city that is itself young and new.


Renewable energy

Live a greener life while working in a centre for renewable energy and niche cleantech solutions. Canberra is leading the way on transitioning to a low-carbon economy.



The Canberra Toolkit has images, videos and guidance you might need to promote work and life in our city.