Locals call Canberra “Australia’s best kept secret”. There’s less rush, more chance to thrive beyond the 9 to 5. We look out for each other and those across our region.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.
Tap into support from the government and business services here in Canberra to help kick-start your business.
Canberra has the right environment for established businesses to grow, and for new and innovative companies to make a mark.
Businesses are connected and supportive. You can grow your networks quickly in Canberra and build enduring partnerships. Here, business collaborates locally to compete globally.
With funding from the ACT Government, CBRIN delivers programs, workshops and services aimed at supporting start-ups and SMEs with high-growth potential.
CBRIN’s programs that can help you in the early days of setting up your business, include:
Learn more about all of CBRIN’s programs.
IBA offers a business development program. It helps eligible Indigenous Australians set up, buy and grow small to medium businesses.
Learn more about IBA.
Business.gov.au is the Australian Government’s business advice website. It provides information to help you plan, start and grow your business.
AusIndustry can give you information and advice to help you start your business. It provides a connection between small and medium size business and government.
They have a network of regional managers across the country, with a representative in Canberra focused on industry, research and innovation.
Austrade helps Australian companies to grow their business overseas.
To get your business export-ready, visit the Austrade website.
Register for an Australian Business Number (ABN) via the ABR.
You can also register:
Learn more on the ABR website.
Get advice and information at any business stage through CBC’s training, networking events and advice service.
Discover more on the CBC website.
RDA provides advice for new businesses, especially those in the food and agriculture sector.
Find out more on the RDA website.
Lighthouse can help your businesses launch and grow. Lighthouse runs the Canberra Business Advice and Support Service (CBASS) and can help with a range of business challenges.
Get more details on the Lighthouse website.
The Australian Government funds ABAS. It offers small businesses low-cost, high-quality advice on digital solutions.
Learn more on the ASBAS Digital Solutions website.