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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

Programs and support

If you’re starting a new business or looking to expand, Canberra offers plenty of support to help you set up and grow.

The ACT Government, the Australian Government and business organisations provide programs that help business owners.

Canberra Business Advice and Support Service

The Canberra Business Advice and Support Service (CBASS) is funded by the ACT Government and delivered by the Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre.

The program offers both new and established businesses up to 4 hours of free tailored business advice on:

  • general business activities
  • finances
  • legal matters
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • business growth
  • changing your business
  • closing your business.

Canberra Business Assist Team

The Canberra Business Assist Team provides free, tailored support for all business types. Find information about:

  • government licences
  • permits
  • approvals
  • registrations
  • codes of practice
  • standards
  • guidelines you need to meet your compliance responsibilities.

Learn more about the Canberra Business Assist Team.

Export Support


If your business is export-ready, Austrade’s TradeStart network can help you reach long-term success in international markets.

If your business is not yet export-ready, Canberra’s TradeStart advisor can direct you to other programs, services and information to support your export journey.

For more details of export support programs, visit Austrade or business.gov.au.

Canberra Business Chamber

The Canberra Business Chamber (CBC) has an International Business Engagement program to support new and early exporters. You can also get advice and information at any business stage through CBC’s training, networking events and advice service.

Visit the CBC website.

Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses

We support equal access to employment and growth in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. We want to see more government spending going to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. This helps drive economic development in these communities.

To support these communities, we developed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Policy.

Our policy focuses on increasing how many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises engage in tenders and win contracts.


Badji supports new or established Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Businesses. It has a connection service, and mentoring and coaching services. It also provides access to accelerator programs for businesses looking to grow.

Learn more about Badji.

Support for start-ups and innovators

Experienced entrepreneurs lead programs for newer entrepreneurs through the Canberra Innovation Network (CBRIN). It helps innovative businesses get the skills, support and funding opportunities to grow. CBRIN provides:

  • accelerator and scaling up programs
  • workshops
  • coaching and mentoring services
  • funding
  • innovation programs, such as Collab Lab and Hackathons.

Other programs and support services in Canberra

Other organisations in Canberra can also help you start, run, and grow your business.

Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre

Lighthouse offers:

  • business advice and critiques
  • application preparation
  • business foundations
  • governance advice
  • marketing and communications mentoring and services
  • web development and content creation.

Visit the Lighthouse website.

Digital Solutions – Australian Small Business Advisory Services

Digital Solutions – Australian Small Business Advisory Services offers small businesses low-cost, high-quality advice on digital solutions.

Visit the Digital Solutions website.

The Mill House Ventures

The Mill House Ventures supports the growth and impact of Indigenous and social enterprises. This includes not-for-profit and for-profit ventures. It provides a collaborative Accelerator program. It also offers business support services.

Visit The Mill House Ventures website.

Screen Canberra

Screen Canberra supports the growth of the screen industry in Canberra. It provides production and development funding. It also offers several programs and initiatives.

Visit the Screen Canberra website.

Sustainable Business Program

The ACT Government supports businesses to reduce emissions, become more energy efficient and cut running costs through the Sustainable Business Program. There are a range of rebates, incentives and advice available.

Visit the Everyday Climate Choices website.

Published date: 09 Aug 2024
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Interested in doing business in Canberra?

Contact the business team for information and advice.