a moth image

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

A city open and welcoming to all

Our progressive values and lifestyle make Canberra a vibrant and beautiful place to live, work, study, do business and invest in. It's where a healthier, smarter future is possible.

World leaders in sustainability

We’re leading the nation on climate action, delivering on our commitment to net-zero, and opening up opportunities for innovative new enterprises.

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Thriving economy

With over 3 decades of sustained growth, our economic foundations and fundamentals are strong. Canberra offers higher-value business opportunities and lower investment risk.

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Liveability and balance

Balance and wellbeing underpin our quality of life in Canberra. Nature is your neighbour here with over half our territory as protected nature reserve.

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Knowledge capital

Our world-class education institutes are led by renowned academics, industry leaders and award-winning thinkers.

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One tier of government

Our one-tier system of government is unique to Canberra. It reduces bureaucratic hurdles, improves access and efficiency, and streamlines decision-making.

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Progressive and innovative

Canberra is a testing ground for new ideas. We’re leading the nation on climate action, delivering on our commitment to net-zero and renewable energy.

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Transport and infrastructure

Canberra is connected by our expanding public transport system, which makes getting around the city easy. We’re also working on major infrastructure projects.

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Sector Profiles

Leveraging our knowledge capital and close connections to universities and research institutes, technology is an area where we easily showcase our strengths and capabilities.

Cyber and quantum

Canberra is Australia’s cyber and quantum capital, with world-class cyber security research and quantum capabilities.

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Climate Action

Canberra is delivering one of the most ambitious climate action agendas in the world, and building a smarter, healthier, net zero future.

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