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How to improve your English in Canberra

Studying in a second language can be a daunting task – especially when you must write assignments, read textbooks and converse with your tutors and classmates in English.

If you are looking for something formal, try Canberra’s TAFE. The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) offers a range of English Language Skill courses each semester to cater for all levels. At CIT you will get to work with a qualified teacher, meet other students and improve your English skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. The University of Canberra (UC) College also offers specialised classes in their English Language Centre. Formal courses can be used to help you gain entry into future study or employment.

Top-quality English courses are available at Canberra’s TAFE – The Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT).

Want something casual to practice speaking and listening? Sometimes it’s as simple as chatting to a buddy who also wants to learn or joining a sports team so you can practice in a social setting.

Keep an eye out for noticeboards around your campus for informal conversation groups. You can meet other students, have some snacks, talk through any difficulties you are having with the language and most importantly, practice your English. Off campus, ACT community libraries offer free English conversation classes to cater for different levels of experience. The Migrant and Refugee Settlement Service also offers a mix of formal and informal learning options.

Improving your reading and writing can be a solo affair. The key is to be consistent. If you can, try to read something in English every day and take down notes by hand.

Finding the right study group can be the key to unlocking an easier way of learning English.

Both free and paid apps like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, italki are also a great way to improve your skills from the comfort of your own home.

Need an excuse to binge watch movies? Make a list of your favourite movies and watch them in English and with subtitles as well. This will allow you to learn new vocabulary and will help you with pronunciation.

Published date: 01 Dec 2023
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