a moth image

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region.

Community Safety

We pride ourselves on our high level of safety

With the highest average income and the lowest unemployment in Australia, our crime rates are low. This helps make us one of the most liveable cities in the world.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Policing is the community policing arm of the Australian Federal Police (AFP). ACT Policing is responsible for providing quality and effective policing services to the ACT. This is done in partnership with the community and the ACT Government.

Working together to keep us safe

ACT Policing works closely with partners and community organisations to keep us safe. They build strong relationships in the community.

The community also has a role to play in helping to protect each other.

Property crime prevention

We can take simple steps to keep our property safe. These include:

ACT Policing also works to protect us from other risks. This includes response to:

Road safety

We all have a responsibility to keep our roads safe. When driving, ensure you know the road rules, drive to the conditions and be courteous and respectful to other drivers.

Police officer holding speedometer
ACT Policing regularly patrol Canberra roads to keep residents safe

National safety measures

There are restrictions, laws and guidelines about the use and ownership of firearms in the ACT. And the National Terrorism Threat Level tells the public about the chance of an act of terrorism occurring in Australia.

Response to emergencies

The ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) responds to many incidents around Canberra. It’s trusted to protect us and keep our community safe. The ESA works with us to encourage preparedness, prevention and recovery before, during and after an emergency.

The ESA is made up staff and volunteers. They work across operational and enabling services, including:

The ESA provides public information to keep the community informed and calm during emergencies. They manage risk, and provide spatial and digital services.

Types of emergencies Canberra faces

From time to time, the ACT may face weather events that threaten damage to property or lives. These can include:

  • Bush and grass fires
  • summer heatwaves
  • strong winds, storm, hail or flooding

ESA is the single point of truth for emergency information in the ACT. It’s important to follow the advice from the ESA during an emergency, and do what you can to make sure you’re prepared.

Published date: 25 Jun 2024

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